Folks on Wall Street like to make investing seem as complicated as possible. Which makes sense. The more difficult it seems, the more likely you'll see their advice. Don't fall for it...
While tech stocks and much of the market has roared ahead these past two years, one stock has done little more than disappoint. Is now the time to buy?
Kodak was a market leader in photography for decades. Then a big change came to its industry and it couldn't adapt. Eventually, the company died. Is the same in store for another former dominant tech brand?
In recent years, the talk was all about countries devaluing their currencies to get an 'advantage' in global trade. That's about to change.
Most economists and commentators said Donald Trump's tariffs would never work. That it would cause a global trade slump. But what if it caused a trade boom instead?
Inflation continues to creep higher. Don't believe the mainstream spin about the Fed having it under control.
There's one part of the tech sector no-one wants to be. These two companies are there. Will they survive it?
Government debt stands at $36 trillion. There is no chance the government will ever repay it, or even meaningfully reduce it. Here's what that means...
Big pharma would rather you 'pop a pill' to lose weight, rather than eat healthy food. Big moves in Washington could soon change their influence.
When most folks think of tariffs, it has a negative connotation. But done right, targeted tariffs can provide great benefits to an economy.
The electric vehicle market seemed destined to grow and grow. But the last two years have shown that growth isn't guaranteed. But things could be about to change, as the free market leads the way...
As governments try to push ahead with 'green' energy, the oil industry continues to innovate and grow.